Optical News Archives - Page 9 of 23 - Volunteer Eyecare

Back-to-school can mean back-to-germs. And while you’ve likely coached your kids on proper handwashing techniques this year, it’s also critically important to teach them not to touch their eyes without washing their hands first. Viruses and bacteria—including the ones that cause conjunctivitis—can live on the common,...

It’s back-to-school season! And while everyone hopes that students will be able to attend class in person this year, computers and other digital screens will likely still play a significant role in your student’s education. Here’s the challenge digital learning presents for our eyes: The human...

July is UV Safety Month. In our optometry practice, eye safety is always top-of-mind. Did you know that the sun’s harmful rays can damage your eyes if you don’t protect them? You slather on the sunscreen to protect your skin from sunburn before you go outside,...

As we age, our cells and tissues start to break down in predictable ways. Some of these familiar age-related ailments include arthritis of the joints, osteoporosis of the bones, and atherosclerosis of the arteries. Changes that occur in the eye as we get older cause...

If you live long enough, there’s a good chance you’ll get cataracts. Your risk for developing cataracts increases as you age, beginning around age 40. By age 65, more than 90% of the population will have at least one cataract, though it may or may...