Optical News Archives - Page 16 of 23 - Volunteer Eyecare

Optometry Myth Busters: 6 Facts You Need to Know about Sunglasses Did you know that the first sunglasses were invented in 12th century China? They weren’t quite as sophisticated as the styles you’ll see in our office, but they served their purpose: a cut piece of...

Are you a safety- and health-conscious parent? You are if you teach your kids the importance of brushing their teeth, buckling their seatbelt, and wearing the proper protective equipment for sports including shin guards, helmets and knee pads. But are you overlooking how critical it...

What do eyes say about health? Believe it or not, they say quite a bit. From stress to diabetes, abnormalities in your eyes and vision can show us a world of signs about our physical condition. Of course, don't try to figure out these things on your...

If you wear glasses, you’re probably thankful that they help you see clearly. But what else can your glasses do for you? Some eyewear goes above and beyond the call of clear vision, supporting and protecting your eyes and vision in innovative ways. Today’s performance eyewear...

March is Save Your Vision Month, a time to remember that we’re born with one pair of eyes to last our entire lives, and serious injuries can happen in an instant. With a focus on awareness and adopting a few simple best practices, you can...